Years ago, Marloes Bouwmeester was advised to “be more visible”. “Introverted personalities are calmer, more thoughtful. It does not sound very attractive to let you know more. “” She founded The Successful Introvert to train people in this. “Profiling is simply important, precisely to get the nice projects and appreciation.”
Mirjam Hubregtse is one of the managing partners of Room to Grow, a specialist in the field of visibility and personal branding, and wrote the book Profiling without Opscheppen. “Not only introverts find it difficult to be visible effectively. There are also people who already put in a lot of effort, without the desired result. “”
This is how you approach it subtly.
1. Focus on the other
Hubregtse: “Do you want a new assignment? Don’t say, “That colleague will get it too and I’ve been working here for two years, so I’ve earned it.” For example, say: “I have worked a lot with those parties, and I could use that in this project conveniently”. That benefits the other, and so do you. “
2. Make a plan
Bouwmeester: ,, Being visible does not have to be on every subject. Rather focus on specific issues or expertise. What project should colleagues come to you with, what do you want to take the lead in? “
Show interest, ask questions and respond to them. Then others will not find you annoying when you profile yourself Mirjam Hubregtse, Room to Grow Hubregtse: ,, Do you call or e-mail the manager every day, do you ask him or her to participate in customer conversations? Maybe he thinks: do you have you again … Ask how the other person wants feedback. Show interest, ask questions and respond to them. Then others will not find you annoying if you profile yourself. “
3. Do it your way
Bouwmeester: ,, Extroverts think and speak at the same time. They form their ideas while talking. Introverts first come up with a round story. At a meeting about a new project, extroverts will automatically have more to say, the ideas go in all directions. As an introvert you can, for example, add structure or ask questions. That’s how you contribute. “
She also recommends looking for your “natural advantage”. “Everyone has something that you think yourself: that’s completely normal, can’t anyone do that? While that is often your strong point. Share your methods and observations so that others can learn from them. “
4. Make sure that the total picture is correct
Hubregtse: ,, Clothing, voice, LinkedIn profile, voicemail – these are all profiling moments. Pay attention to that, otherwise you will unconsciously support it. Also consider the video meeting: provide good light, a neutral background and a good camera position. “
5. Make use of natural leads
Bouwmeester: ,, Many people find it difficult to speak to someone for no immediate reason, but there are enough moments. Think of a workout. Introduce yourself and tell us briefly about your expertise. What do you want people to remember about you? “
Many people find it difficult to speak to someone without immediate cause, but there are plenty of those moments Marloes Bouwmeester, The Successful Introvert
Just that walk to the coffee machine or a little earlier at a meeting? “Make” chance “encounters more frequent,” says Hubregtse. “Personal moments create a bond. You will also hear more about new projects or a reorganization, for example. Such moments have disappeared due to corona. Before a digital consultation, schedule a preliminary meeting with a colleague to request input. Or go for a walk together. “”