Social Inspiration Lab

At this event you will learn more about design thinking and help create solutions to end poverty on Aruba in an interactive way.

Social Inspiration Lab Aruba

Social Inspiration Lab is a platform from HopeAruba and functions as a space where people can socialize, inspire others, to be inspired, and to develop and try out-of-the box ideas. Social Inspiration Lab is based on the design-thinking method; a 5 step solution based method whereby empathy is key. In this Social Inspiration Lab the design-thinking method will be used to come up with ideas to end poverty on Aruba.

For more information, please contact or visit their official Facebook event.

About Hope Aruba

The acronym H.O.P.E. stands for: Honor, Opportunity, Productivity & Excellence It’s about honorable citizens that do good & are productive towards the benefit of others, our nation & do this in Excellence.
For more information about this organization you can visit their official website:

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