KvK’s networking workshop – part 2

The Aruba Chamber of Commerce is organizing its interesting networking workshops:

Aruba Chamber


KvK networking workshop: CAPTIVATE – The First 5 Minutes and Beyond

Humans evolved to make inner judgments before speaking to someone. The good news is that first impressions are made quickly, so we have distinct opportunity to influence them. This workshop will help you optimize your behavior, first interactions and plant seeds for building meaningful relationships no matter how uncomfortable or unproductive you may feel about attending professional and social events now.

It is not about pushing through, faking it, or trying to make it work – that simply doesn’t work long term, and is not fun.

This workshop will empower you to create a social game plan that works for You and Your personality, works with your strengths, helps you take control of your interactions and play by your social rules. You can become a savior and a new friend for many others, who also feel uncomfortable attending events. The workshop will dive into making first impressions, creating conversational sparks, similarity attraction effect, making people feel special and personalized follow-up. This workshop will give you tools to make powerful and warm first impressions, and plant a seed for building meaningful relationships.


KvK networking workshop: NEVER EAT ALONE: Turning Connections into Compatriots

Relationships based on trust and respect matter, and make a huge difference in our growth, success and well-being. Both breadth and depth of our connections and networks matter and contribute to our success. This workshop will help you examine and optimize your existing networks and relationships, as well as make new relationships more meaningful and strengthen your weak ties.

This workshop will provide concrete tools to develop strategies – how to engage and attract quality people to your network, how to engage with thought leaders in your field, and how to do so in practical ways that fit into your busy schedule. This workshop will dive into building your networks before you need them, empower you to connect with connectors, lead with offering value and use your favorite electronic devises to stay connected. This Workshop involves hands-on exercises such to get you started creating new habits right away, for 80% of your success will depend on repetition, repetition and repetition of your new skills. Get ready to enrich your life with creating enduring and vibrant relationships!

  • Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 (session 1) and or Wednesday October 30, 2019 (session 2)

  • Time: 9.00 am – 12pm

  • Place: KvK Auditorium

  • Speaker: Ms. Dagmara Avanindra

  • Language: English

  • Entrance: Afl. 50,- *

*This workshop consists of 2 sessions. The cost is Afl. 50,- per session; or Afl. 90,- when you register for both sessions.

If you wish to register, please send an email to tatiana@arubachamber.com mentioning your name and phone number and stating which session you will attend:

  • Session 1 on October 23 (Afl. 50,-)

  • Session 2 on October 30 (Afl. 50,-)

  • Both sessions (Afl. 90,-)

For more information, please visit the official Facebook event.

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