
Fighting poverty by investing in industry


The installed deputy Joselito Statia since May 10, 2016 charged with including economic development, promotion of investment and finance, is convinced that an important weapon in the fight against poverty on Bonaire is boosting industry. That is where he and the Executive Council (BC) in the broadest sense of the word, among other things to focus on.
To promote this industry, the new BC firstly selected the cases that were already pending. The issue of land for example to encourage the construction industry to build more housing and more economical industrial buildings. Adjusting the procedures concerning the application of land is hereby incorporated immediately. The development of the port in cooperation with the Port of Amsterdam, the reorganization of the LVV (Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries), stimulating entrepreneurship and attracting investors are also subject to ongoing issues that are addressed with energy.

construction industry
As an architect and owner of Statia Project Development and Architectual Design, his company now linked to his work as commissioner is silent, it is not strange that the sector attracts him. He knows this sport and the players, after all, like no other and is also aware of what is needed. By giving out land for housing and economic optimization industrial purposes and the procedures he catches with the BC several birds with one stone. It is not only a great stimulus for the construction industry, also addressed thus the housing shortage in Bonaire, cleaned the grounds and waiting lists for entrepreneurs and investors, it is made easier to get started. In other words, the overall activity of the island increases.
Thus, the local housing association, Fundashon Cas Boneriano (FCB) totaling 391 assigned such grounds. This is good for about 1,500 badly needed social housing. The neighborhoods in Tanki Matrimonio (200 sites), Nikiboko North (101 sites) and Kaminda Djabou (90 areas) will be extended considerably. The aim is that there are enough homes are built within five to seven years and with it comes an end to the housing shortage.

The continuing cleanup of the waiting list for reasons already has yielded a reduction 70 entries. It is expected that this number will continue to decrease. The new procedure which is being prepared by a consultant to, it also contributes to this. In addition to the decline of the “still-than-400-waiting-for-you”, it is intended that this process is going to lend better enforcement. For years nothing to do with your land is gone. Whether to apply than in the private sector or to private initiatives, applicants will have to prove they can and will immediately get to work.

Some long-term problem cases like Harbour Village, Esmeralda and Charles Beach will also be resolved, protracted disputes settled and the environmentally and organizations ensure strict about this, and there will have to return there. As a solution specifically means the Salina example, will have to be deepened at the roundabout at Kaya Amsterdam and landed sludge must be removed in part, was that as born in Bonaire and bred deputy onvermijdelijk.Het would also dust and odors for solving local residents. For Joselito Statia and BC are economic development and the promotion thereof which is fighting poverty with industry substantially.
“We must show that we are serious. With Harbour Village we have a chance to get to make money for Bonaire passing. No investor wants to wait years. I would not wait two years, “Statia puts his words.
Meanwhile, the government company Bonaire Government Buildings (SNB) is in an advanced stage with a number of management / investor groups to develop around Sunset Beach Hotel include the field. It is expected that the contracts will soon be signed.

 Development of the port

Another great desire to Bonaire now engaged already quite a few years, the development of a good seaport. And as it stands now, it seems, in cooperation with the steering committee and the Port of Amsterdam will really come. According to deputy Statia will on December 1, 2016, the node will be permanently severed as regards the choice of a location. This also means that in order to facilitate the activity around the port as soon as possible land should be reserved and issued around the port area. Indeed, a port may not function properly without storage for containers, sheds and without retail and wholesale. In addition, the current port authority need to achieve better service and service to be reorganized. Of service it must indeed be transformed into a seaport company. Such restructuring requires logically necessary investments and planning.

The food industry
Another effective way to fight poverty is itself growing food. Fruit and vegetables are expensive on Bonaire and many households this can therefore hardly afford. By producing your own food instead of importing, press the charges and make you a significant burden on the very limited and not adequate budget for the majority of the population. After all, food is a basic need. Deputy Statia puts in cooperation with deputy Rolanda Hellburg-Makaai responsible for the LVV therefore a large part of its energy in the reorganization of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV).

In the first place means that attracting investors who can present concrete plans for how they will use the large area around the LVV for the production of food. The Executive Council wants to combine and integrate the development of a knowledge center in the field of LVV and tourism. The idea is to tourists upon their arrival at the LVV example drawn using a trolley to spend a donkey to the knowledge and the agriculture and livestock lands of LVV, on the spot to give a tour and they allow their own yet compose living menu. This tour can be further ‘dressed’ and presented with typical Bonaire cultural and historical aspects. In this way not only make tourists discover Bonaire’s culture, they can also attend the process from beginning to end. Said plan shall also specify that the current production of the LVV should be much higher and more efficient. In addition, the BC wants the knowledge and the LVV will be operated as fully commercial. “At the moment the local government is financing the LVV, but that has to change,” Joselito Statia explains.
In line with this, let the commissioner that he has done are five groups who want to invest. The future will tell whether Bonaire can initiate its own food industry.

Entrepreneurship and investors
Two other cases that have attracted the attention of the BC and Statia are investing in entrepreneurship and some years not yet off the ground next or functioning BTIB, Bonaire Trade and Investment Board.
In promoting local entrepreneurship plays Qredits credit organization, who coaches local business owners successfully (starting) and those based on a well thought out business plan provides a business loan of up to $ 25,000 an important role. Statia commissioner wants to extend it and therefore like the BC Qredits has already requested additional support. In addition, the plan to raise awareness of this possibility, entrepreneurs to tell their story and to encourage more women to undertake.

A thriving airport
In addition to a functioning seaport Bonaire has finally needed a future-proof and financially sound airport. The current airliftproblematiek revenues decline and himself in the future, the airport may not be possible basting. In addition, the earnings are based purely on traffic restricted. For example, an increase of 30,000 passengers compared to the current 177,000 would put according to the commissioner ultimately not much more grist to the mill. Statia is therefore together with Bonaire International Airport (BIA) to look at how best to give effect to the master plan that BIA has drawn up some time ago.

One of the solutions involves bringing in companies that can develop additional activities at the airport. With the development of non-aeronautical services and initiatives BIA would get a lot more opportunities to generate revenue. And such a development is consistent with the global trend of burgeoning airports to so-called airport cities with hotels, conference centers, shops, restaurants and other services. Another advantage is that the airport, if successful this set-up, instead of being solely dependent on fluctuating passenger numbers, there are two structural and continuous sources of revenue could be obtained from; land development and non-aeronautical activities.

In addition, of course still important to get more airlines to fly directly and more often on Bonaire. To achieve that goes flying the deputy talks with American and European airlines. Plans to set up a private company which Bonaire basis, also taking concrete forms. These analogous to Sint Maarten Winair a kind of developing Bonaire airline has already registered with the Chamber of Commerce. We are now waiting for the permits in the Netherlands.

Altogether BC hopes to invest in a stable industry structures and economic growth and development possible. “Because if we prove that we ourselves can, we will also be more and more tasks themselves can take charge and more independently and become more independent,” the commissioner added. With investment in industry is therefore not only to alleviate poverty but also acquired greater autonomy.

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