Broadcast Program Managers
Knowledge and expertise for SMEs on BES islands
Entrepreneurs on the BES islands could soon go for business advice related to the more than 3,200 volunteers from PUM Netherlands senior experts. This organization sends professionals with over 30 years experience in SME entrepreneurs elsewhere who want to use their knowledge and expertise. Thanks to a grant from the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations are also entrepreneurs on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba now eligible!
The experts that emits PUM are experienced entrepreneurs and professionals. They share their knowledge and expertise with entrepreneurs in countries where knowledge desperately needed, but is not always available because commer-cial consultants are too expensive or because the knowledge is not there. By entrepreneurs AID-sources with knowledge and advice PUM will help stimulate the local economy and thus employment. During the past 35 years, more than 35,000 entrepreneurs received advice PUM in 70 countries worldwide.
PUM is active in 70 sectors of the economy. Of the service sector to woodworking and the energy sector to hospitality. The approach is businesslike and focused on improving the business.
The entrepreneur who seeks advice, pay only the cost of the stay (accommodation and meals) during the visit of an average of two weeks from the expert. The travel and other costs are borne by PUM.
Knowing more?
Information is available from the Chamber of Commerce Bonaire Kaya Grandi 67 or visit